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June Office Hours ---and info regarding the 3rd and 4th trimesters booking!


Hello, wonderful authors and clients! 👋


With the school year coming to an end and our big move 150km away on the horizon, June is shaping up to be a busy month full of renovations and transitions. To accommodate these changes, I'll be adjusting my office hours temporarily.


From now on, my new office hours will be the following:


🌿 Monday to Thursday 9 AM - 4 PM EST 🌿

🌿 Friday to Sunday CLOSED 🌿

June Opening Hours




However, rest assured that the premade shop remains open 24/7, ready for your browsing pleasure!


 As a token of my gratitude for your understanding and support, I'm offering a 20% discount on all premades at checkout, valid until September 1st! 🎁🌹




For those needing custom print covers, please email me all the details by Sunday of each week so I can dedicate Monday to working on your requests. You can use the Order A Print Form to submit your information:




Many of you have been asking about the third-trimester booking schedule! I can understand.


Due to our new town's limited childcare options for the summer, I won't be broadly opening any slots during July and August. Regular clients can still email their needs, but my priority will be to care for our kids until school and daycare resume in September.


Fear not! I remain available for print orders, audiobook covers, and premade finalizations.


The custom book cover schedule for September to December 2024 will open in June. 


Returning clients, make sure to join the First-Come-First-Served Waiting List here:


If you have any questions, feel free to email me at! 😘


Warm regards,

Evelyne -xo-

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